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ABB’s HDP Motors: Unbeatable Performance for Industrial Machines

High power density, low inertia, easy installation, and extensive design flexibility to customize the product to final needs. ABB’s High Dynamic Performance motor range has been improved further to offer machine builders unmatched performance, reduced size, and new savings. Learn more with ABB’s webinar.

Compact, powerful, and high-performing HDP motors for OEMs. Discover more with the webinar “ABB’s HDP Motors: Power at Your Service

In today’s era, where automation and energy efficiency have become the most important drivers of industrial development, electric motors are a valuable, if not indispensable, resource for modern businesses. ABB, a technology leader with over 140 years of history, knows this well, with millions of its motors in industrial applications worldwide. ABB’s offering, always oriented towards innovation, is specifically designed to accompany customers into a more competitive and sustainable future, anticipating their needs, including the varied and complex ones of machine builders (OEMs).

ABB specifically targets OEMs with a comprehensive range of low-voltage AC motors that meet their diverse needs. We are talking about ABB’s High Dynamic Performance (HDP) motors, high-power-density units suitable for both designing new industrial machines and retrofitting existing ones. Besides performance data, one of the features that best describes this product is its flexibility, determined by both a modular platform and the ability to further customize the base components. Together with ABB’s frequency converters, this technology can guarantee OEMs unique control and maneuvering capabilities.

The Evolution of Motors for Industrial Machines

Energy-efficient motors play a leading role in the industry’s journey towards a zero-emissions future. But it is worth noting that before the arrival of variable speed drives, industrial machinery requiring high-speed control could only rely on DC motors. However, the introduction of drives revolutionized the sector, not only opening the door to AC motors but also bringing a series of advantages, from high power density to low rotor inertia. Over time, they have proven more cost-efficient (as well as easier to maintain) compared to the previous DC motors, which they have now completely supplanted in the industrial machinery sector. In this field, ABB operates with ease, maintaining high technological standards to always guarantee the most performant and efficient products for shaping a net-zero future.

The Advantages of ABB’s HDP Motors

The High Dynamic Performance motors offer several advantages to builders of industrial machines like extruders, test benches, cranes, or drawing machines. First and foremost: a high power density, meaning the amount of power a given motor can provide per unit volume. Specifically, the company’s offer includes a wide range of frame sizes – from 80 to 400 – with output powers from 2 kW to 2 MW. And every ABB motor outperforms the corresponding standard motor of the same size.

There are two ways OEMs can leverage this advantage. The first is related to retrofit operations: in ready-to-use or already operational industrial machines, the old motor can be replaced with the new HDP motor of the same size, achieving an increase in power and consequently the overall competitiveness of the operation. All this is done immediately, without the need for additional engineering interventions.

The second use case concerns the design of new industrial machines. High Dynamic Performance motors allow builders to bring more power to the market with reduced dimensions, providing an additional competitive advantage. At this level, another key feature comes into play: ease of installation. ABB has made access to connection points as well as the installation of accessories (cooling fans, encoders, and brakes) easy, including those produced by third parties.

Precision and Control

Another important technological advantage distinguishing HDP motors is the low rotor inertia, a highly interesting feature for industrial applications that need to move quickly back and forth. Naturally, the new range has been designed for use with a variable speed drive to offer even higher performance in terms of maneuver precision and advanced speed control with machinery of any type or size. “ABB stands out for optimized motor and drive packages that offer precision motor control and maneuvering for a wide range of general industry applications,” explains Francesco Morrone, Division Manager of ABB Motion Italia’s Motor Unit.

ABBFrancesco Morrone, Division Manager ABB’s Motors unit

Not only that, but the company’s attention to customer needs is comprehensive. That’s why, in addition to ensuring product customization thanks to adaptable base components (e.g., programmable encoders), ABB provides a range of tools and services to find the optimal electric motor for your needs, obtain updated product data, and even transform motors into connected smart devices.

To learn more about the range of High Dynamic Performance high-power-density motors, ABB has organized an in-depth seminar “ABB’s HDP Motors: Power at Your Service,” available for free download. 

Download the free pdf here.

Read also: Ecodesign for Motors and Drives: ABB’s Solutions “Improve” Legal Limits

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About Author / Stefania Del Bianco

Science journalist. She has always been passionate about hi-tech and energy innovation and started working for Rinnovabili from the early stages, profiling companies in the sector. In 2008, she joined the team of editors and became an editorial coordinator in 2011. Over the years she has also taken care of the communication and press office of Rinnovabili. Since then, she's been the Editorialist Coordinator of the Media Company and, among other things, deals daily with news on renewables, energy policies technology, and market issues.