

Rinnovabili • Green Hydrogen Production: Why Only 7% of Projects Are on Track
Green hydrogen fails to take off: only 7% of announced projects are ready

A study by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) sheds light on the global pipeline of green hydrogen projects, revealing a stark gap between ambitions…

Rinnovabili • World's Largest Compressed Air Energy Storage Plant
China Activates the World’s Largest Compressed…

The Nengchu-1 plant in China sets records with 300 MW power, 1,500…

Rinnovabili • Renewable Energy in Germany Provides 59% of Electricity Production
Renewable Energy in Germany Provides 59%…

With nearly 20 GW of capacity added in a single year, Germany's…

Rinnovabili • Green Hydrogen Costs Projected to Stay High Until 2050
Green Hydrogen Costs Projected to Stay High Until 2050

Green hydrogen costs won't fall below $3.74/kg until 2050, with price parity achievable only in China,…

Rinnovabili • Photovoltaic Module Prices 2024: Updated Data
Photovoltaic Module Prices 2024: Another Drop, but It Could Be the Last

The prices of high-efficiency photovoltaic modules reached an average of €0.13/Wp in November 2024, marking a…

Rinnovabili • Bifacial TOPCon Solar Cell, Trinasolar Sets a New Record
Bifacial TOPCon Solar Cell, Trinasolar Sets a New Record

Thanks to Trinasolar, a new bifacial TOPCon solar cell with an industrial area of 350.4 cm²…

Rinnovabili • Energy transition: quadruple investments in energy
IRENA: Quadruple renewable energy investments, world behind on 75% of indicators

In the World Energy Transition Outlook 2024 report, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) calculates the…

Rinnovabili •
IEA: Energy efficiency investments must be tripled by 2030

In 2024, the global energy efficiency growth rate will be just 1%. It should reach 4%…

Rinnovabili • 6 innovative wind factories in Europe funded by the EU
6 innovative wind factories in Europe funded by the EU

There is also some wind manufacturing among the 85 innovative zero-emission projects selected by the European…

Rinnovabili • Solar panels on roofs and microclimate: let's clarify
Solar panels on roofs and microclimate: let’s clarify

According to a new international study, the widespread adoption of solar panels on urban rooftops could…

Rinnovabili • A new method for recycling lithium batteries produces hydrogen peroxide
A new method for recycling lithium batteries produces hydrogen peroxide

Recycling lithium batteries is not only a source of precious metals but also of important chemical…

Rinnovabili • Renewables 2024 Report, the IEA estimates 5500 GW of new renewable energy by 2030
Renewables 2024 Report, the IEA estimates 5500 GW of new renewable energy…

According to the International Energy Agency, new renewable capacity is expected to grow 2.7 times by…

Rinnovabili • Spain sets a record with over 50% of electricity from renewable sources for 12 months
Spain sets a record with over 50% of electricity from renewable sources…

Between October 2023 and September 2024, electricity consumption was met by renewables at a rate of…

Rinnovabili • EU, Second H2 Auction: New Criteria and Obligations
EU, Second H2 Auction: New Criteria and Obligations

On December 3, 2024, the second auction for renewable hydrogen will open, aimed at allocating €1.2…