Marco Frittella
For forty years he covered Italian political life, but now Marco Frittella has become passionate about ecological and energy transition: it all began when he published "Italia Green, mappa delle eccellenze del made in Italy" (RAI Libri, 2020). Since then, he has been actively involved in journalism and conferences. Frittella now manages Communications at RAI-COM after serving as editorial director of RAI Libri. A longstanding figure of TG1, he was in Berlin in 1989 when the Wall fell, in Beirut during the final stages of the civil war, reporting live from Saxa Rubra during the Paris Bataclan shootings, and on Unomattina during COVID. He is an editorialist for "Giornale di Brescia" and "Eco di Bergamo", has taught at Tor Vergata and the Perugia School, and conducts media training activities.